Buffalo Bulletin

     Buffalo Bulletin is published quarterly in March, June, September and December. Contributions on any aspect of research or development, progress report of projects and news on buffalo will be considered for publication in the bulletin. Manuscripts must be written in English and should not exceed 2,000 words or the equivalent inclusive of tables
and illustrations, short communications should not exceed the equivalent of 1,000 words. Every article should have a short abstract (not more than 250 words) complete in itself and understandable without reference to the paper and its author should be identified by name, title research organization

Main Objectives
 1. To be world source on buffalo information
 2. To provide literature search and photocopy services
 3. To disseminate information in newsletter
 4. To publish occasional publications such as an inventory of ongoing research projects
Office : International Buffalo Information Center, Kasetsart University Library, P.O.1084, Bangkok,Thailand 10903
Tel : 0 2942 8616 ext. 344
Fax : 0 2940 6688
e-mail : libcdt@ku.ac.th