• 10.34044/j.kjss.2021.42.2.21

  • อังกฤษ

  • Green lifestyle;Transformative learning;Volunteers development

  • Social movement against overconsumption in Bangkok was faced with shortages of qualified volunteers. This study aimed to (1) define their desirable attributes, (2) investigate the learning patterns and factors of their development, and (3) innovate a model for supporting their transformative learning. The narrative cum participatory action research collected interview data from 25 experienced environmental activists to categorize the desirable attributes. Data obtained through dialogues and non-participant observation with 15 volunteers who drove their self-designed green lifestyle programs regarding their backgrounds, learning situations and turning points were analyzed by content and thematic coding to identify key thresholds and influential factors. A backward design technique was used for model creation. Results indicated that the desirable attributes included environmental attention and awareness, readiness to sacrifice and role models, flexibility with others, commitment to the movement, literacy in social ecology, and skills for movement and communication. Individualized learning patterns unveiled that the volunteers went through the internal passage, shifts of perspectives and capacity development with varying levels of achievement depending on their maturity, cognitive inclinations, interpersonal skills and critical reflection. The L-Green Volunteers Model was designed to support green lifestyle volunteers development, comprising the stages of zooming on self, prospecting new roles, charting movement, strengthening cognitive base, practicing skills, driving movement, and assessing self-transformation. Appreciation of transformative learning philosophy and readiness for multiple roles of growth stimulators were required for model application. Further study should replicate the model in a variety of sectors and innovate digital tools for critical reflection. © 2021 Kasetsart University.

  • [1] Kedkaew, S.
    [2] Ounvichit, T.




Kedkaew, S. and Ounvichit, T.. (2021). Transformative learning model for bangkok green lifestyle volunteers development.  Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 42 (2) ,351-356

Kedkaew, S. and Ounvichit, T.. "Transformative learning model for bangkok green lifestyle volunteers development" Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 42, 2021, 351-356.

Kedkaew, S. and Ounvichit, T.. (2021). Transformative learning model for bangkok green lifestyle volunteers development.  Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 42 (2) ,351-356