• Community development of youth;Consciousness of community development

  • The objectives of this research were to study the level of consciousness and the roles which reflected consciousness in the community development of youths. Data were collected using a triangulation technique by questionnaire, in-depth interviews, and observations with 21 youths who had an interest in and were voluntary participants in the research process and a group of 10 community members including leaders, teachers, and parents. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics in terms of the mean, standard deviation, and percentage to show the level of youth consciousness in community development, and in terms of content analysis to reflect consciousness and its role in the community development of youths. It was revealed from this study that the consciousness in community development of most youths was at a valuing level, with only one at an organizational level. Regarding the 4 aspects of consciousness in community development, the youths were consciousness of the environmental aspect more than the others. With regard to roles in community development, most youths played the role of participants in cultural activities because the community leaders and members perceived the youths as not being mature enough and as being incompetent so that they could not handle community development activities by themselves, and they were in the studying phase of their lives. The results suggested that community leaders and members should change their perspective toward youths as well as provide them with more open opportunities to participate in thinking and doing activities that could assist the development of their community. © 2015, Kasetsart University. All rights reserved.

  • [1] Thongpanya, T.
    [2] Soopunyo, W.
    [3] Tanpichai, P.
    [4] Srisuantang, S.




Thongpanya, T. และคนอื่นๆ. (2558). Youth consciousness in community development: A case study of a voluntary youth group in huai mon thong community development.  Kasetsart Journal - Social Sciences, 36 (3) ,483-497

Thongpanya, T. และคนอื่นๆ. "Youth consciousness in community development: A case study of a voluntary youth group in huai mon thong community development" Kasetsart Journal - Social Sciences, 36, 2558, 483-497.

Thongpanya, T. และคนอื่นๆ. (2558). Youth consciousness in community development: A case study of a voluntary youth group in huai mon thong community development.  Kasetsart Journal - Social Sciences, 36 (3) ,483-497