• 10.34044/j.kjss.2021.42.2.02

  • อังกฤษ

  • Boarding school;Islamic work ethic;Leadership style;Performance;Teacher

  • This study aimed to examine the influence of Islamic work ethic on teacher performance and leadership style in the relationship between the Islamic work ethic and teacher performance. The population in this study were all Sabilillah Sampang Islamic Boarding School (SSIBS) teachers, totaling 117 people. Determination of the number of samples taken as respondents is to use saturated sampling means where all members of the population are taken as respondents. The type of research used in this study is causal research, that is, research that aims to examine the relationship between variables or to analyze the influence of a variable on other variables. Data collection techniques using primary data were in the form of a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques used inferential statistics with multiple linear regression analysis using IBM Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) statistics 24 program to answer the research objectives. The results of the study found that: (1) Islamic work ethic partially had a significant effect on SSIBS teacher performance. The Islamic work ethic has a positive direction on performance (2) The leadership style influences the relationship between the Islamic work ethic and the SSIBS Teacher Performance. This is because the leadership in SSIBS is already good especially the ability to direct members, provide ideas, ability to take initiative, intelligence and supervision. The Islamic work ethic in the SSIBS environment is already good, especially trusting co-workers, professionalism, responsibility and integrity. © 2021 Kasetsart University.

  • [1] Purnama, C.
    [2] Fatmah, D.
    [3] Hasani, S.
    [4] Rahmah, M.




Purnama, C. and others. (2021). Leadership style as moderating variable influence between islamic work ethic with performance.  Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 42 (2) ,233-238

Purnama, C. and others. "Leadership style as moderating variable influence between islamic work ethic with performance" Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 42, 2021, 233-238.

Purnama, C. and others. (2021). Leadership style as moderating variable influence between islamic work ethic with performance.  Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 42 (2) ,233-238