• 10.34044/j.kjss.2020.41.3.03

  • Cultural tourism;Effective;Key factors;Management;Tourism resource

  • This study aims to explore factors that affect effective management of cultural tourism site. This is a quantitative study that aims to determine key factors that affect Chinese tourists’ decisions in terms of effective cultural tourism resource management at Thai temples. The study collected data from 1,600 tourists of Chinese nationality. These tourists were selected through non proportional quota sampling with the accidental sampling method from a population of Chinese tourists in Bangkok. Multiple regression was applied to the data analysis. The study found that certain variables can predict the decision of tourists to score cultural tourism resource management at a statistically significant level of.05. These variables include: cultural tourism’s value perception; conservation awareness for cultural tourism resources; conservation tourism resource knowledge; those aged from 30–45; those aged more than 46 years; students; government staff; businessmen; and employees. The findings should be useful for promoting and managing planner in the cultural destination in promoting sustainable tourism in cultural destinations. © 2020 Kasetsart University.

  • [1] Luekveerawattana, R.




Luekveerawattana, R.. (2020). Key factors in managing cultural tourism in a sustainable way.  Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 41 (3) ,475-480

Luekveerawattana, R.. "Key factors in managing cultural tourism in a sustainable way" Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 41, 2020, 475-480.

Luekveerawattana, R.. (2020). Key factors in managing cultural tourism in a sustainable way.  Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 41 (3) ,475-480