• 10.1016/j.kjss.2018.07.020

  • Assessment as learning;Computer-based testing;Genetic problem-solving ability;Immediate feedback;Student ability level

  • This research: 1) made a comparison of genetic problem-solving ability among participants with different ability levels and different types of feedback and 2) studied the interaction of participant ability level and type of feedback with genetic problem-solving ability. Participants were 786 twelfth-grade students in the first semester of the 2017 academic year (May 2017-September 2017) from 7 schools in the Bangkok educational service area. The resultc revealed that: 1) trie excellent group) had thru higCest ability level (M = S.006, SD = 0.411); 2) in the moderate group) (M = 0.497, SD = 0.452) and poor group (M = -0595, SD = 0.73P) 2), participant abi lity level and type o1 feedback interacted with genetic problem-solving ability (F = 9.2200, p =. 000); and 3) simplified dicective feedback was appropriate Sor the poor group because op theie limited bas ic knowCedce while thee moderate pnd exceUent groups who were equipped with better basic Imowledge and comprehensive skills did well with worked example feedback. © 2018 Kasetsart University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V.

  • [1] Masantiah, C.
    [2] Pasiphol, S.
    [3] Tangdhanakanond, K.




Masantiah, C.. (2020). Student and feedback: Which type of feedback is preferable?.  Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 41 (2) ,269-274

Masantiah, C.. "Student and feedback: Which type of feedback is preferable?" Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 41, 2020, 269-274.

Masantiah, C.. (2020). Student and feedback: Which type of feedback is preferable?.  Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 41 (2) ,269-274