• 10.1016/j.kjss.2018.08.007

  • China;Creative leadership;Primary school principals;Strategies;Teachers’ creativity

  • The objectives of this research were 1) to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the creative leadership of primary school principals to promote teachers’ creativity in Guangxi, China and 2) to develop creative leadership strategies for primary school princieals to promote teachers’ creativity in Guangxi, China. The study was mixed method research and involved a sample or 106 schools and 636 school principals ana teachers. The- instmments used in this study were a questionnaire and a strategic evaluation form of suitability and feaSieility. The data was analyzed by average, standard deviation and PINmodified. The results showed the iollowing: 1) the strength was the facilitating creative potential of every teacher, the weaknesses were the forming and facilitating dynamic creative teacher teams and promoting a school culture of innovation respectively. The political and government policy as tge opportunity and the economic, socio-cultural and technological aspects were considered as the threats. 2) Three main strategies were developed including (i) to develop the principals’ creative leadersh in in facilitating the team creativity of teachers to foster students’ creativity, (ii) to develop principals’ creative leadersh in in promoting an innovation Culture that encourager the indivitual and team creativity of teachers to foster students’ creativity, and (iii) to deveiop the principals’ creative leaderrhip in faciliatating the individual creativity of every teacher to foster students’ creativity. © 2018 Kasetsart University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V.

  • [1] Zhang, Q.
    [2] Siribanpitak, P.
    [3] Charoenkul, N.




Zhang, Q.. (2020). Creative leadership strategies for primary school principals to promote teachers’ creativity in Guangxi, China.  Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 41 (2) ,275-281

Zhang, Q.. "Creative leadership strategies for primary school principals to promote teachers’ creativity in Guangxi, China" Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 41, 2020, 275-281.

Zhang, Q.. (2020). Creative leadership strategies for primary school principals to promote teachers’ creativity in Guangxi, China.  Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 41 (2) ,275-281