• 10.1016/j.kjss.2017.12.022

  • Acceptance;Communication and technology;Information;Rural students;UTAUT model

  • This study investigated rural students' acceptance toward using information, communication, and technology (ICT) for educational purposes based on the UTAUT model. Using the purposive sampling method, respondents were selected from secondary students living in a rural district in Malaysia. A questionnaire was used to collect data from 450 respondents. The SPSS software was used for data analysis in the form of descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The study found that the facilitating conditions, social influence, performance expectancy, and effort expectancy were all significant determinants of behavioral intentions to use ICT for educational purposes. Comparing factors, the majority of students had higher mean values for the facilitating condition factor. Thus, the study provides recommendations to help authorities to prepare the appropriate technology equipment before new technology is introduced to rural students. It also provides recommendations for further research examining rural students' acceptance and use of technology. © 2018 Kasetsart University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V..

  • [1] Halili, S. H.
    [2] Sulaiman, H.




Halili, S. H. and Sulaiman, H.. (2019). Factors influencing the rural students' acceptance of using ICT for educational purposes.  Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 40 (3) ,574-579

Halili, S. H. and Sulaiman, H.. "Factors influencing the rural students' acceptance of using ICT for educational purposes" Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 40, 2019, 574-579.

Halili, S. H. and Sulaiman, H.. (2019). Factors influencing the rural students' acceptance of using ICT for educational purposes.  Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 40 (3) ,574-579