• อังกฤษ

  • Buffaloes;Bubalus bubalis;Hidden mastitis;Surf field;Mastitis test;Pakistan

  • [1] Ghulam Muhammad (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (Pakistan). Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery)
    [2] Imaad Rashid (University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (Pakistan). Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery)

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Ghulam Muhammad and Imaad Rashid. (2012). New horizon in farmer's level early detection of hidden mastitis using the innovative surf field mastitis test.  Buffalo Bulletin (Thailand), 31 (3) ,105-110

Ghulam Muhammad and Imaad Rashid. "New horizon in farmer's level early detection of hidden mastitis using the innovative surf field mastitis test" Buffalo Bulletin (Thailand), 31, 2012, 105-110.

Ghulam Muhammad and Imaad Rashid. (2012). New horizon in farmer's level early detection of hidden mastitis using the innovative surf field mastitis test.  Buffalo Bulletin (Thailand), 31 (3) ,105-110