Mycotic ketatitis in buffalo calf due to Aspergillus flavus
Buffalo Bulletin (Thailand)
Vol. 16 NO. 1 Page 20-21
ISSN 0125-6726
Oculomycosis due to Aspergillus flavus, an opportunistic fungus, is recorded in a 4-month-old male non-descript buffalo calf which received traumatic injury while at pasture. The animal exhibited corneal ulcer, oedema, blepharospasm, lachrumation, and hypopyon. Direct microscopical examination of Giemsa stained smears of diseased cornea showed branched, septate, 3-4 micro thick hyphae morphologically indistinguishable from Aspergillus sp. The culture of affected corneal tissues on Sabouraud dextrose agar with chloramphenicol yielded pure and heavy growth of A. Flavus. The source of infection remined uncertain, though the pathogen exists as saprophyte in the Indian environment. The wider application of Giemsa technique for the demonstration of fungal elements in the corneal tissue smears is suggested.
[1] Pal, M. (College of Veterinary Science, Anand, Gujarat, (India). Department of Veterinary Public Health)
Pal, M.. (1997). Mycotic ketatitis in buffalo calf due to Aspergillus flavus.  Buffalo Bulletin (Thailand), 16 (1) ,20-21
Pal, M.. "Mycotic ketatitis in buffalo calf due to Aspergillus flavus" Buffalo Bulletin (Thailand), 16, 1997, 20-21.
Pal, M.. (1997). Mycotic ketatitis in buffalo calf due to Aspergillus flavus.  Buffalo Bulletin (Thailand), 16 (1) ,20-21