Estimation of breeding value of murrah bulls
Buffalo Bulletin (Thailand)
Vol. 7 NO. 2 Page 28, 40
ISSN 0125-6726
Six Murrah bulls of N.D.R.I. progeny testing program set V were ranked on the basis of first lactation performance of their daughters. Bull No. 1039 ranked first while animal No. 393 ranked second. The index value of the top-ranking bull was 15.3 percent above the herd average and this bull was recommated in the herd for a period of two producing the future young sires.
[1] Tripathi, V.N. (National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal -132001 (India). Division of Dairy Cattle Genetics)
[2] Reddy, K.M. (National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal -132001 (India). Division of Dairy Cattle Genetics)
[3] Chauhan, R.S. (National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal -132001 (India). Division of Dairy Cattle Genetics)
[4] Sadana, D.K. (National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal -132001 (India). Division of Dairy Cattle Genetics)
Tripathi, V.N. and others. (1988). Estimation of breeding value of murrah bulls.  Buffalo Bulletin (Thailand), 7 (2) ,28, 40
Tripathi, V.N. and others. "Estimation of breeding value of murrah bulls" Buffalo Bulletin (Thailand), 7, 1988, 28, 40.
Tripathi, V.N. and others. (1988). Estimation of breeding value of murrah bulls.  Buffalo Bulletin (Thailand), 7 (2) ,28, 40