Kalahandi buffalo breed of Orissa
Buffalo Bulletin
มิ.ย. 2531
ปีที่ 7 ฉบับที่ 2 หน้า 35-38
Kalahandi buffalo breed, a distinct breed found in South Orissa State in India, has been studied. This paper describes the habitat, husbandry practices, physical conformation and performance of the breed.
[1] Patro, B.N. (Central Cattle Breeding Farm [India])
[2] Kornel, D.
Patro, B.N. และ Kornel, D.. (2531). Kalahandi buffalo breed of Orissa.  Buffalo Bulletin, 7 (2) ,35-38
Patro, B.N. และ Kornel, D.. "Kalahandi buffalo breed of Orissa" Buffalo Bulletin, 7, 2531, 35-38.
Patro, B.N. และ Kornel, D.. (2531). Kalahandi buffalo breed of Orissa.  Buffalo Bulletin, 7 (2) ,35-38