Nutritional management for improved draught ability in Philippine native and crossbred buffaloes
Buffalo Bulletin
มิ.ย. 2531
ปีที่ 7 ฉบับที่ 2 หน้า 29-34
This study was conducted to determine the balance of energy and protein intake and expenditure under two intensities of workload: 6 hr/d and 4 hr/d ploughing under wet field conditions and to compare working performance of the Murrah crossbred (MBxPC) and the Philippine carabao (PC) in terms of working capacity and physiological response. The experiment used three Philippine carabaos and three Murrah crossbred buffaloes arranged in a split-plot type repeated measure design with three individual replications per treatment. Results revealed that the average total energy intake were 105.25 and 107.31 MJ ME/d, whilst the energy expenditure were 108.92 and 108.35 MJ ME/d at ploughing 6 hr/d in the MBxPC and the PC, respectively. With draught animals ploughing 4 hr/d, the total energy inergy intakes were 91.01 and 91.07 MJ ME/d, whilst total energy expenditures were 88.90 and 81.97 MJ ME/d in the MBxPC and the PC, respectively. However, there were highly significant differences (P<.01) in energy intakes and expenditures at different work intensities. Animals ploughing 6 hr/d had a mean body weight loss of about 0.5 and 0.19 kg/d, whereas those ploughing 4 hr/d, increased their body weight by about 0.20 and 0.51 kg /d in MBxPC and PC, respectively. However, there was no significant change in body weight attributable to varying workloads.
[1] Neric, Salvador P. (กรมปศุสัตว์ กองอาหารสัตว์)
[2] Udorn Senakas
Neric, Salvador P. และ Udorn Senakas. (2531). Nutritional management for improved draught ability in Philippine native and crossbred buffaloes.  Buffalo Bulletin, 7 (2) ,29-34
Neric, Salvador P. และ Udorn Senakas. "Nutritional management for improved draught ability in Philippine native and crossbred buffaloes" Buffalo Bulletin, 7, 2531, 29-34.
Neric, Salvador P. และ Udorn Senakas. (2531). Nutritional management for improved draught ability in Philippine native and crossbred buffaloes.  Buffalo Bulletin, 7 (2) ,29-34