• Estimation of breeding value of Murrah bulls

  • Buffalo Bulletin

  • มิ.ย. 2531

  • ปีที่ 7 ฉบับที่ 2 หน้า 28

  • 2531

  • Chauhan, R.S.
    Reddy, K.M.
    Tripathi, V.N.

  • L10-การปรับปรุงพันธุ์สัตว์

  • กระบือ;พันธุ์มูราห์;พ่อพันธุ์;การทดสอบรุ่นลูก;การแสดงออก;ผลผลิต

  • Six Murrah bulls of N.D.R.I. progeny testing program set V were ranked on the basis of first lactation performance of their daughters. Bull No. 1039 ranked first while animal No.393 ranked second. The index value of the top-ranking bull was 15.3 percent above the herd average and this bull was recommated in the herd for a period of two producing the future young sires.

  • [1] Chauhan, R.S. (National Dairy Research Institute. Div. of Dairy Cattle Genetics [India])
    [2] Reddy, K.M.
    [3] Tripathi, V.N.




Chauhan, R.S.. (2531). Estimation of breeding value of Murrah bulls.  Buffalo Bulletin, 7 (2) ,28

Chauhan, R.S.. "Estimation of breeding value of Murrah bulls" Buffalo Bulletin, 7, 2531, 28.

Chauhan, R.S.. (2531). Estimation of breeding value of Murrah bulls.  Buffalo Bulletin, 7 (2) ,28