Estimates of heritability and relationships between body weight, weight gains and measurements of the swamp buffalo
Buffalo Bulletin
Mar 1984
ปีที่ 3 ฉบับที่ 1 หน้า 3-5, 17
[1] Charan Chantalakhana
Charan Chantalakhana. (2527). Estimates of heritability and relationships between body weight, weight gains and measurements of the swamp buffalo.  Buffalo Bulletin, 3 (1) ,3-5, 17
Charan Chantalakhana. "Estimates of heritability and relationships between body weight, weight gains and measurements of the swamp buffalo" Buffalo Bulletin, 3, 2527, 3-5, 17.
Charan Chantalakhana. (2527). Estimates of heritability and relationships between body weight, weight gains and measurements of the swamp buffalo.  Buffalo Bulletin, 3 (1) ,3-5, 17