Normal and abnormal chromosome in the Indian river buffaloes
Buffalo Bulletin
Jun 1984
ปีที่ 3 ฉบับที่ 2 หน้า 13-15, 17
[1] Yadav, B.R.
[2] Balakrishnan, C.R.
Yadav, B.R. และ Balakrishnan, C.R.. (2527). Normal and abnormal chromosome in the Indian river buffaloes.  Buffalo Bulletin, 3 (2) ,13-15, 17
Yadav, B.R. และ Balakrishnan, C.R.. "Normal and abnormal chromosome in the Indian river buffaloes" Buffalo Bulletin, 3, 2527, 13-15, 17.
Yadav, B.R. และ Balakrishnan, C.R.. (2527). Normal and abnormal chromosome in the Indian river buffaloes.  Buffalo Bulletin, 3 (2) ,13-15, 17