Buffalo Bulletin (Thailand) ( ปีที่ 36, ฉบับที่ 4, 2560 )
Congenital anomalies of the uterus in riverine buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
Chethan, S.G. | Singh, S.K. | Karikalan, M. | Kharayat, N.S. | Behera, B.K. | Narayanan, K. | Kumar, H. |
หน้า 581-587
Comparative efficacy of different treatment protocols in therapeutic management of leukoderma in buffaloes
Varun, V.K. | Singh, S.V. | Singh, J.P. | Ramakant Verma |
หน้า 589-594
Hemato biochemical and micro minerals alterations in leukodermic buffaloes of eastern Plain zone of Middle Gangetic Plain regions
Varun, V.K. | Singh, J.P. | Singh, S.V. | Ramakant Verma |
หน้า 595-599
Clinico-physiological response of xylazine, ketamine alone and in combination for lumbar epidural analgesia in buffalo calves
Praveen Kumar Pandey | Tiwari, S.K. | Deepak Kumar Kashyap | Giri, D.K. | Govina Dewangan |
หน้า 601-606
Production of river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves by embryo in vitro production-vitrification and transfer techniques in the Philippines
Duran, Danilda Hufana | Duran, Perry Lorraine Hufana | Duran, Peregrino G. | Cruz, Libertado C. |
หน้า 607-614
Phenotypic characteristics of Sambalpuri buffaloes of India
Sahu, S. | Nayak, G.D. | Karna, D.K. |
หน้า 615-621
Incidence of Buxtonella sulcata in Jaffrabadi buffaloes of south-western Gujarat, India
Kumar, Binod | Maharana, Biswa Ranjan | Prashad, Amit | Joseph, Joice P. | Patel, Bhavika R. |
หน้า 623-628
Plasma chemical composition and progesterone hormone on day of estrus in Egyptian buffalo cows
หน้า 629-637
Use of coculture fibrolytic Ruminococcus albus KU-F152 and non-fibrolytic Selenomonas ruminantium S137 for improving fiber digestibility and nutrition values of rice straw and para grass in in vitro ruminal fermentation
Piya Piamya | Chonnapat Hattakum | Chiang, Hsin I. | Suriya Sawanon |
หน้า 639-652